The Greek words for distinguish and spirits are diakriseis and pneumaton. Some scholars believe that this means to interpret revelation, like prophecy. However, more bible students would conclude that it means to distinguish between the Holy Spirit and demons.
Remember in Exodus 7:10-12 when Moses was doing miraculous signs by the Spirit, then Pharaoh's wisemen and magicians would do the same tricks. Moses was able to distinguish between spirits here. Pharaoh was hard hearted and was being led by powers of evil. Again, in Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus says that many peeps would come performing miracles and casting out demons in his name...but Jesus says he never knew them. How scary is this? How many people say daily that they feel God is doing something huge? How do we know it is Him? I am not trying to scare you, but am hoping I lead you more into a discipline of Scripture reading and prayer, to help discern between spirits.
Let's pray that God would show people in the Church who has this gift, or develop it in someone who doesn't know they have it...for the encouragement of the body and above all, the glory of God!! Peace and grace.
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