Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spiritual Gift: Giving

The spiritual gift of giving is a very necessary one in today's Church. We are raised and trained in a culture where it is normal to have an excess of pride. It is supposed to be "all about me." Even in the Church, pride is running rampant among pastors, elders, deacons, and volunteers. Some churches are filled with people who give to get attention.

We must recognize the true givers, the ones with the spiritual gift of giving who give for the purpose of encouraging the Church. The spiritual gift of giving can be defined as a God-given ability and desire to impart one's substance to meet the material needs of others (Acts:9:36-39 and Romans 12:13).

The Greek word for giving is haplotes and is defined as simplicity, liberality, bountifulness. This is not a self-seeking generosity but an openness of heart that manifests itself through generosity. It can be seen as someone who gives their clothes, time, or money to someone in need in the Church. If you have the spiritual gift of giving, use this blessing as much as the Lord directs because the Church needs it!

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