Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spiritual Gift: Faith

The gift of faith is probably one of the most misunderstood spiritual gifts. It is found in 1 Corinthians 12:9. The gift of faith is not the same faith that every Christian should have, faith in the risen Christ. Remember: ALL Spiritual gifts are given by God and ARE TO BE USED for the edification and encouragement of the Church, or body of believers. The gift of faith is NOT a lack of worrying. It does not mean that you are not worried about bills being paid, not worried about a living situation, etc. Again...the gift of faith is for the encouragement and edification of the Church.

The spiritual gift of faith has to do with believing God for what He wants to accomplish in the church’s ministry, that He will lead and provide. Read that again, that is the definition. The context of the gift of faith in 1 Corinthians 12:9 is miracles (another spiritual gift). The gift of faith allows people to believe that not only will God lead and provide, but will perform miracles. So, if you have the gift of faith, you SHOULD be using it in a Church context, for the encouragement of believers. EX: You will be used by the Lord to encourage those to have faith and by you having the gift of Faith, the Church will be encouraged and have faith at the needed time.

*Any time I use the word Church (capital C) over the next 15-16 days, I am describing a body of believers who have trusted in Christ's death on the cross for their sins and his resurrection so they could have life. This Church is not just inside a building, and your spiritual gift(s) can be used at work, school, etc.

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