Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Sun Shined (just for me)

As many of you know, I am now an engaged man. I am engaged to who I honestly believe to be the most amazing woman in the world, and I am serious about that. We got engaged on 1/16/10 at the beach in Dana Point where we had our first date. I read Ephesians 5:25-26 to her and explained how I want to be this man to her and will fight to do so. Now, before I go on I must set the context a bit, which is a bit ugly.

In February of 2008 I was preparing to ask a girl to marry me. I had spent hours in prayer about the situation and had a steady uneasiness about my decision, but I was trying to be Jesus to her and was quite disobedient by trying to do the work of the Holy Spirit instead of letting the Spirit do His job. So, I prayed a silly prayer asking God to give me a sign if I was not supposed to propose, even though I wasn't even sure if God gave signs at that time. To make a long story short, the weather had been beautiful until I prayed, then instantly turned dark out, poured hardcore rain, and I still asked. I instantly came down with my first ear infection ever, and was so dizzy that I was confined to my bed. Did I listen? Nope! After months of chaos and fighting, I forced the marriage and she divorced me 5 months later.

Back to the present time. I have been dating the most Godly, intelligent, funny, beautiful, real, secure woman I have ever met. We had been talking Scripture and talking for quite a few months and building a friendship. However, I knew she was going to be my wife. So, I spent months in prayer about whether I should propose or not, if the marriage would be honoring and glorifying to God, and other little prayers. No conviction or doubt came whatsoever.

So, driving to Dana Point the sky was covered with clouds. As we got near the spot where I was going to propose I asked God, because of my scars from the divorce, "Lord, can you bring the sun out while I ask her?" Can you do this as an extra bit of reassurance because of my prior disobedience?" As we pulled up to the beach, the sun shone through like no other and stayed that way throughout the whole proposal, amazing! The next day I stood worshipping the Lord in all His goodness and just wept at the love and grace He continuously shows to His repentant children.

In 9 months, on 10/17/10, Jennifer Marie Thomas will be my bride. This makes my heart so soft and humble. How amazing it will be to run this race with a partner who is passionate about sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I can be me without any worrying around my Jenny: I can serve Christ 100% without being laughed at, I can fart, laugh like a girl, eat BJ's buffalo pizza all day, watch 24 with her, and on and on and on!!!!

The sun shines so much brighter when you experience the darkness it saves you from. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jenny, and thank you friends and family (the ones who supported me and did not judge).


Anonymous said...

Hi Wes!
My name is Melody and I've posted once before. I attend HDC in Victorville. I wanted to let you know that I read your blog and enjoy every entry you post! Just wanted to CONGRATULATE you on this very special occassion!!!!!!! God is good and boy is it worth serving the Lord!!! Wishing you the BEST for you and your future wife and may God continue to pour his blessings on your life and hers as well!!!!!!
Very Happy for you!!!!!!!
Hope you dont stop blogging!!!!
I've learned sooo much from your writings!! Really enjoy how you explain the bible!

Denisse said...


Dear friend I totally understand what you are talking about, coming from a similar situation myself. God blessed me with a wonderful husband even after I chose to be disobedient the first time. His love is so amazing I cried while reading you blog, it reminded me of how God never left me even when I decided to NOT listen to him.
I truly believe that Jenny is a blessing from God, and that your marriage will bring glory to God.
I am so proud of you, for being so honest and transparent.
love you tons my brother!