Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Daddy Date with Jesus

I love my monthly days of solitude with Jesus. He set the example for us over and over in Scripture, no matter how busy He was, he always got away to spend quiet time with the Father (Matthew 26:26-46). I have tried to make this a discipline, and it is always so healing and rewarding. is some stuff I learned today.

1) There was a group of birds flying and they were so in sync and seemed to know there role. The lead bird would stray off to the back of the group so another could lead, and the cycle continued. Romans 12:3-8 talks about the church being one body with many different functions. I really want to see the church become like this group of birds. If everyone would seek God and realize their gift and that it has been given to encourage the church, how awesome would life be together as a body of believers?

2) I watched these beautiful waves just crash into the cliffs today. The beach always is such a clear evidence to me that God exists. Romans 1:18-23 talks about the wrath of God being revealed through His creation. It was so evident to see these powerful waves crash into the the wall and come to their end in an instant. God's wrath is real and I hope that people come to trust in Christ alone to save them from the wrath they so rightly deserve.

3) I always wanted to be able to dim the sun and look at the form, structure, and even the texture of it, but God created it to where we can't stare at it without our eyes being damaged. God the Father is a Spirit that if we were able to look at would shatter our eyes in an instant. The sun was a reminder of that to me today. 

4) I love the beauty of the ocean top. Watching it is like medicine for my soul. However, there is a whole other world I often forget about in the ocean. It is something i do not understand. Why can't I breathe underwater? Why are there all those other kinds of creatures under there? All I know is that it is a vast mystery of God that I can rejoice in not understanding.

5) The clouds were forming over head, but not blocking the sun. In the Old Testament God would be with Israel in the form of clouds. I think that this is a constant reminder, especially for me through this divorce process, that God is with us.

I love Jesus. He is real. Because we are sinners, by birth, we have a fractured relationship with Him. He sent Jesus, perfect man & perfect God, to take our punishment on the cross. Whoever puts their complete trust in Him and his sacrifice will be seen perfect in God's eyes and will spend eternity in Heaven, instead of eternal punishment. Peace!!

1 comment:

Denisse said...

Amazing...I need to pick up that discipline of going away and having time with my Daddy! I have my time but not away from home. I remember when i used to live around the corner from my job and used to walk there...i loved it because i really took the time to breathe the air that God gave me, and really examine the beautiful blue skies...i miss that.