Friday, May 30, 2008


mo said...

"make babies." Josh is rubbing off on you, or you rubbed off on him, because that sounds exactly like him, lol.

Maryjo said...

Well put Wes! It's frustrating to think about what's acceptable in our schools today. I pray things will change! But I know you and Britt wil be GREAT parents and teach your children to love the Lord!

Wes Van Fleet said...

Thanks Mary Jo!!!

Unknown said...

So I know that I only know you through mutual friends, but today I stumbled across your blog. And I wanted to say... well said!! As a parent to three little boys, it is the biggest responsibility that God gives us, and to be honest, one of the hardest! It is also, besides my marriage to the most wonderful man alive, one of the biggest blessings! My husband often says how frustrated he gets when the guys at work talk about how much of a burden their kids are to them and all he wants to do is come home so he can be with his... to have your attitude even prior to having your own wonderful blessing is a gift from God. Well said!

Wes Van Fleet said...

Thanks Brandi. Maybe your husband can encourage those guys at work!!!