Friday, May 9, 2008

Get Steppin!!

Have you ever had to walk home from a party, a broken down car, or just walked a really long distance and you were not happy about it? What if you had to walk, lets say 50 miles tomorrow, would you spend time packing a bag and preparing mentally for the strenuous journey? Would this negativity change if you had a mission that you were positive would change peoples lives for the better?

As I went through Acts chapter 8 this morning, I noticed a re-occurring theme. Walking!! In verse 14, Peter and John hear of Samaritans believing in the Word and travel there to help them receive the Spirit, preach a bit, and bounce back to Jerusalem (v.25). Here's the thing: We seem to get flustered when we get that spot that is at the end of the parking lot at the mall, Target, wherever it is we go. The shortest possible route to any Samaritan village is about 25 miles. Peter and John had a mission. They were excited to walk to hear about what Jesus had done in these Samaritans lives. 

Only 1 verse later (v.26), the Lord calls Philip to go south from Jerusalem to Gaza. Verse 27 says, He started out.... He did not wait, he did not pack, he did not prepare!! Through the next couple verses, Philip finds a Ethiopian man and preaches the gospel to him and baptizes him as well. All of this preaching and baptizing after a short 50 mile walk to Gaza. How amazing!!

When I was in the Army I walked 12 miles straight on numerous occasions, 32 miles on one occasion, and even 75 miles over 2 days. This was not fun because I wasn't walking for God's glory. God is more than sufficient. Whatever kind of rut you are stuck in right now whether it is depression, sexual immorality, loss of a loved one, or even walking a long distance when you'd rather be driving: Walk with God! He is everywhere you look! He wants to be your partner in your walk and make whatever it is you are going through something he can join you in. Isn't it better to go through struggles, happy times, or anything with a friend?


mo said...

I know as Christians we are meant to develop friendships, but I never quite thought about it in this way. How much more meaningful and enjoyable life is when you have others to stand beside and enjoy the journey with.

Thanks for all the encouragement lately Wesley! I am forever grateful for yours and Britt's companionship on this journey!

NehemiahSD said...

LoL I just noticed how to comment on your blogs! I thought you had turned comments off or something because it blended in with the date... anyways. I liked this blog, it's so true that its hard to walk when you don't have a good destination. When you walk with a purpose it changes your whole perspective... when I work at my job I'm frustrated because its work I only do to survive. But I can work just as hard, if not harder, building a house in Mexice for a local church and do it with joy in my heart. but this should be in every situation like this verse says "Serve wholeheartedly as if you serve the Lord, not men."