In John 6, Jesus feeds 5,000+ hungry people by turning 2 loafs of bread into enough to feed all of them. So everyone is full and there is even bread left over, but something crazy happens. These 5,000+ people who saw this miraculous miracle got upset when Jesus says that the physical bread he gave them will perish, but he himself is the bread that gives eternal life (6:27). These 5000+ disciples leave Jesus' presence and He is left with just the 12 disciples (v.66-71). They wanted just the physical quick temporary pleasure, like so many of us today, instead of the fulfilling Jesus that would satisfy them for eternity.
Again, in John 8 Jesus is defending himself among the religious leaders and explaining that He IS GOD. In v.30, these folks "believe" in Him. Or do they? In the very next verse (v.31), Jesus says to the Jews who HAD (past tense) believed in him that the truth will set them free. This begins an argument where they say they cannot be free if they are not enslaved. Jesus goes on to prove they are enslaved to their sin (v.32-57), claims again to be God, and look what happens next: Those who "believed" try to kill Jesus in v.59.
You see, so many people have been fooled into the lie that saying a quick prayer when they were at an 8th grade camp has secured them eternity with Jesus. However, these texts I showed you give us an example of continued belief. We are to trust in Christ as our Savior, not just once but always!! In a culture where we run to sex with random partners, substance abuse, materialism, vacations, etc. to give us that quick pleasure, it is only Jesus, the eternal bread of life, that can sustain and fulfill us. So please, if you are reading this and are unsure of your salvation, please read the Bible, call me or a friend who loves Jesus, and spend time asking God to reveal Himself to you. Jesus is the most beautiful treasure one can ever find (Matt. 6:44).
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