Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Great Exchange

As some of you may know, I get up very early every day to read the Scriptures. This is my way of meeting with Jesus and just learning about how I can glorify him, where I am falling short, where I am doing good, etc. I keep a file on my computer of my daily recordings of my readings. I write an analysis on every single verse, which helps me study deeper, learn more, remember more, and glorify my Creator.

Today I was brought to tears, which isn't a rarity most mornings, but I just really wanted to share a bit with you today from a specific passage. Please enjoy...and think!

Luke 23:25

Barabbas is a violent, grotesque animal that when we read through the lenses of our current salvation, we tremble at the fact of this murderer being released in exchange for Jesus. We must take off our bias lenses and look what is really happening here. Who is Barabbas? We are Barabbas! We are the robbers, the insurrectionists, the murderers. We have sinned and been released!

Pilate can almost be seen as the Father here. He let us go, while we were once guilty, but the innocence of the sinless Christ is now applied to us. We are free to go, from all condemnation. But, Christ is then punished for our innocence. Taken captive as a criminal, beaten, mocked, flogged, and crucified, to DEATH! This is quite an exchange!!! Sad, amazing, not worthy, loved, these are only a few emotions that can be expressed.


twin power mommy ♥ said...

THAT is sooo true.

Great insight.

As far as the zoo goes, it was Great fun!
The "lion" staring down my kiddos was actually a cheetah, though ;o)

Chris and i continue to pray for you and your wife. Our God is sooo good, keep the faith.
Have a great weekend!

Denisse said...

Since God has been healing my heart, all I do Is cry. And I can relate about the crying when reading scripture. 5 years ago I could NOT cry and I did not. I thank Jesus for his sacrifice and often cry when I think about his suffering and you Wes, thanks for being a wonderful friend to us.