In the Greek, poimen, literally means a herdsmen. In the context of Ephesians 4:11, it is the shepherd/pastor's job to train and equip the Church. In the days when this verse was written, the author, Paul, would have had the duties of an actual eastern shepherd in mind. Some of the shepherds main duties were: 1)To watch for enemies trying to attack the sheep 2)To defend the sheep from attackers 3)To heal the wounded and sick sheep 4) To find and save lost or trapped sheep 5) To love them, sharing their lives and so earning your trust.
The greatest example of a shepherd/pastor is of course Jesus. John 10:1-18. Read this carefully! Jesus was speaking in the context of saving his people, but I believe this is the example he left for those with the spiritual gift of shepherding to abide by.
This is my main warning and concern for those of you with this gift. Guard and equip your sheep, but also guard yourselves!! I once heard a very wise friend of mine say that too many "pastors" are doing a bucket load of things at 50%, when they are gifted in one or two things that could be done at 100%. Church leaders: Equip your sheep to do what they were created to do. You will watch them fail, but through that they will learn. This will free up what you pastors/shepherds were made to do, and do it well!
I hope this study of spiritual gifts was convicting and encouraging for you all. Thanks for all the encouraging notes and I hope you all work at fully shaping the gifts God has given you.
If you do not know Jesus and have more questions about him and how he died on the cross a sinless man for your sins, was resurrected from the dead 3 days later, and wants you to trust in him so you can spend eternity with him, please message me and I will explain my life and what the Bible says about the cross. I love you all!!