Monday, August 4, 2008


J.A. BLOCK said...

I am glad to hear of this victory brother. Impatience is not from God, yet most men have it with their wives. I really like your idea of grabbing a magazine and just "being" with her. That's the supportive Wes I know!

Unknown said...

Way to go WES!!! Sounds like a good time to me... Hubby can be a little like that sometimes while shopping.. maybe I'll email him your! I bet your bride to be really appreciated how much you thought about it! Oh if you have a chance... Tom did a great sermon on marriage two weekends ago.. you should check it out online!

Wes Van Fleet said...

Thanks Brandi!! I'll check Tom's message out.

Denisse said...

Amen!! how wonderful! I tend to get inpatient myself at somethings and your blog really made me appreciate my husband...after all he is wonderful to me. Great Sermon last week!

Andrew Minchew said...

keep finding those victories. you gotta. like, daily.

Mindy Clark said...

Wesley... oh what a good, patient man =) just wait til you guys are in a hurry to go somewhere and she takes just a little longer to get ready and then you guys are late! Man! not that we have experience with that or anything. =) wink, wink. I just want to say that I am proud of you and Britt both! I know we don't get to see you guys much but you are in our prayers! I am so excited for you guys to start your journey as husband and wife! Bless you guys!