Man!! It was about 2 years ago now that I was called to be a pastor. Not for one second do I doubt the calling but boy do I doubt myself. I know God uses us the way he wants and I believe that my pride has got in the way of that. I was watching a podcast tonight with 3 of my favorite pastors: Mark Driscoll, John Piper, and Matt Chandler. I really try to learn from these guys because I see something in all of them that I see in me, rough edges.
I am feeling so convicted right now about my disgusting lack of obedience since my calling. Sure, I was obedient and quit my high paying job to go to school to be a pastor, but I think I thought that was enough! However, I have failed in almost all characteristics a Christ follower should have: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Nope, I am far from all of those. I have rode my calling like a wave and forgot to discipline and shape myself in not only Christ's image, but who he wants me to be.
Truth: I am completely terrified! I am terrified that I will preach a gospel that is not worthy of preaching. I am terrified that I will continue to measure myself to others and not rely on a Almighty God who will do with me what He wants. I know hardly anything about the Bible and that terrifies me. I love the Bible more than any other book, music, movie, but I am scared I will not understand it well enough to preach it. I am terrified that I will not be a good husband, father, son, friend, pastor. I want to have a heart that loves but it seems to be miles away from the confines of my chest. I treat my fiance bad, I treat my friends bad, I am terrified.
Maybe this is the Spirit stirring my bones and breaking me to the point where I have to change. I hope so! I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us (Rom. 8:18). I apologize to everyone I have treated wrong, please forgive me. I AM TERRIFIED!!